Catering To Corporate Clients

Imagine an awards show with 3,000+ attendees gathered around a stage in the middle of the room and honorees are coming up nonstop. This fall, I had the honor of DJing PMI’s Global Summit for three days packed full of high-energy events that showcased how much this company truly values and celebrates their team.

With an event this massive, it’s no surprise that the entire production team wore headsets to communicate and orchestrate this fast-paced event seamlessly. Truth be told, it reminded me a lot of when I worked in live TV. The unique challenges presented when DJing corporate functions extend beyond the sheer size and logistics.

One of the biggest puzzles is figuring out how to appeal to such a diverse audience. Selecting not only a set list that includes multiple genres, but having time to mix in and out of them in a captivating way within the time limitations is a delicate art. I’m completely in my element in these moments, working to enhance the overall experience by curating a vibrant and energetic atmosphere that entertains and fosters a stronger connection between the guests and the event.

While weddings hold a soft spot in my heart, I also love to DJ and MC corporate events and awards shows. I believe this versatility makes me a better DJ. There are so many things I love about corporate gigs, but one overlooked aspect about these types of events is that everyone in attendance is at the event to be celebrated. Seeing companies honor their team and celebrate their employee’s accomplishments is special.


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